Like I needed another reminder of how small minded I can be; how my better nature lives cheek by jowl with my less-than-stellar twin.
Has anyone ever watched
Peep Show? The comedy treats us to the world of Mark and Jeremy through the lens of their thoughts - mean spirited, self serving, arrogant pricks that they are. Not that I'm all of those things at once (or indeed at all) but I have my own little pantheon of a character flaws that
must never be revealed. (And so now I will proceed to reveal one because that is one of the joys of anonymous blogging.)

My friend recently had a baby. Her husband refuses to allow her to cook or do any housework at all when he isn't at work. He encourages her to sleep between feeds while he takes the baby out for walks. And the baby is now three months old.
And is my initial reaction one of joy for my friend? No dear readers. My first reaction is straight-from-the-gut envy. I am sad for myself that it wasn't that way. It's tears and an acid in my stomach not unlike the aftermath of a rich curry that precede the warm happy feelings which follow shortly thereafter (I am not a monster after all).
I don't devote too much time to these thoughts, but I would love to disown them. I wish they weren't me. Now here they are live on the web. Perhaps it's an exorcism of sorts that will leave room for better things.
It's like suffering from emotional starvation. Crumbs are all that's available, so when someone else feasts, there's always a longing for something more.