Thursday, April 8, 2010

Optimist frayed

Today is a low tide kind of day. Nothing terrible, just low on energy, tired. The kind of day where my walls are down a little, not so sure of myself.

To be fair he said that he wasn't referring to me when he talked about "mindless optimists".

The conversation went mostly like this:
Me: I'm having lunch with Cathy tomorrow. I really like being around her. She's very funny.
 J: I like her too. I like her cynicism. She's very aware of how things work and what goes on around the place. She's not a mindless optimist about things.
I am an optimist. I am a ridiculous Doris-Day kind of optimist a lot of the time. Some of that is just the way I like to be generally but some of it I feel I've been pushed into as a foil for the constant negativity that comes from J.

I looked out the window for a while. I was hurt because I thought he was referring to me. He asked what was wrong. I said, "I think you're referring to me" (no more mincing words round these here parts).
J:  I'm a bit pissed off that you think I meant you. I wasn't talking about you and your thinking that I am is not very nice at all.
Flo (not so optimistic now)

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