Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Getting involved

It's one of those crazy Catch 22 things that exercise and keeping active generally really can help with depression; but when you're depressed it's like your own eyelids weigh a tonne so blinking and breathing use up pretty much all your energy and jogging, for example, is pretty remote in the solar system of possibilities.

But somehow, while J was well, he got involved in a community project that he cared about. And then it had a life of its own and sort of carried him along with it even when he was down, so he had little choice but to continue on.

I really think this has made a huge difference in his life. He's feeling effectual and useful. He can see that he's having an impact on the world around him and it's a positive one.

It's a bit like the origin of living things on this planet - a one-in-a-gazillion chance meeting of the right conditions and voila - life. That's what this feels like. Except maybe it's not one-in-a-gazillion. I'm hoping the chances are a lot greater than that. It's just a matter of waiting for those conditions to come around.

I didn't push. It had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with me. This is 100% about him and his interests and his efforts.


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