Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Good times

It's been a very good couple of weeks. I can almost forget what it's like when he's depressed. Everything feels so normal.

I guess it's like when you've got a cold and you're feeling miserable and you know that what you want more than anything in the entire world is to be able to breathe freely and you will never, ever take that for granted ever again.

Well, it's been a good couple of weeks (give or take the odd swing low). I love this sweet calm, this bit where I get to relax. I'm not sure how long it would have to go on for me to stop looking over my shoulder and wondering when it's coming back - a lot longer than this. Months maybe? I wonder what that would feel like.

In the meantime I'm rushing to get a lot in - a lot of breathing that is. And a lot of cleaning things out around the house, organising the massive piles of books and papers and and unopened letters and bills. I'm taking the opportunity to do it with a bit of cooperation.

Here's to the good bits. (I'd love to say I was wearing a (not so) glamorous dressing gown right now, toasting you all with a martini in a glass the size of a fish tank. I'm not, but you get the picture.)


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