Thursday, April 1, 2010

Long Weekend

I'd like to wish you a happy Easter. Although it's a far less intense holiday than Christmas, it's still a few days off from routine with all the good and bad that entails.

If I were a fairy-god-mother I would wish for you a calm couple of days that don't overwhelm anyone with the pressure to enjoy them.

I hope that the big bad wolf expectation takes his holidays elsewhere.

And if it's your sort of thing, I hope you can socialise to your heart's content, spend time with friends who are normally desk bound on weekdays.

Maybe there will be a bit of light-hearted time spent in the company of your partner (or maybe there won't).

In particular I hope chores don't take up any part of your long weekend (well it's only wishes after all - I can afford to be extravagant).



  1. Dear Flo,
    Thank you for your well wishes; you have so very accurately articulated the challenge of the holidays with a depressed partner. Thank you also for maintaining this blog. When you hadn't written in a week I found myself really missing it. I don't say that to put pressure on you but rather to point out that you are appreciated and regularly read by many, even if we don't comment very often.
    Take care and thanks for your thought-provoking and thoughtful posts.
    With gratitude, Ellie

  2. I missed you too Flo. I wanted to tell you about our trip to the GP. Do you mind long posts in your comments section?

  3. @Anonymous, thank you so much for those lovely words. They mean a lot to me. And it's not pressure I feel from them but encouragement and reassurance. I haven't written much recently - a combination of factors including more shifts at work, freelance work and no time alone at the computer that didn't have to be taken up by those things. I've missed writing though and can't wait to get back to it more regularly.

    @Karen, I would love to hear about your GP visit. Long comments are wonderful. Please do write about your experience.


Your comments on this post are welcome.