Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thank you

I just want to say thank you for reading this blog and for posting your comments.

I am so very appreciative. It feels like such a vanity on my part to send my rants into cyberspace and hope that people will spend their precious free moments reading them and responding to them.

I feel incredibly supported by the honesty and openess of your responses, by the instances of shared experiences. I feel so lucky to have the benefit of your insights and I am amazed every time a comment is posted at how generous you have been with your time and your thoughts.

Sometimes I wish that we all lived in the same city and could support one another in a more material way but in reality I know that if we did (and perhaps in fact we may) we still would never know what we share; and it has to be that way. It would be impossible (for me at least) to be this candid if it weren't on an anonymous basis.

I'm really glad that we can connect through the internet and offer each other more support than is possible in the flesh-and-blood world.

So thank you. Writing this blog has effected such a great change for me. It lightens the load, provides a forum and pushes me to explore thoughts, realities, assumptions. It helps me to track developments. And now it's made me feel so much less alone. Thank you for that.


1 comment:

  1. Sleepless in New YorkFebruary 25, 2010 at 7:57 PM

    Thank *you*, Flo. I've said things here that I've never been able to say before, even to myself. And read things here that have made me feel that I'm not insane (to feel what I feel) and not alone.

    Many thanks to the other commenters, as well. I've learned things from you all, and my heart goes out to you all.


Your comments on this post are welcome.